Why You Should Still Take Ski Lessons
So, you’ve skied for as long as you can remember. You go skiing at least once, if not twice, three times a year. You can ski all the pistes in resort no problem, and a lot of the off-piste. You’ve even helped your friends and family with their ski technique. You don’t need ski lessons anymore, right? Here is why you should still take ski lessons.
Not necessarily.
Even if you can already ski confidently on- and off-piste, you’re probably aware you have a weak point or find a particular aspect of skiing difficult. If you avoid black runs like the plague, always take the easy way out of the moguls or find your legs burning beyond belief in the powder, don’t just muscle through! Take a lesson. Ski lessons aren’t just for those who want to learn the basics; a ski lesson can focus on anything, from psychological aspects of skiing, like improving your confidence on steeper slopes, to the technical, like nailing your speed and control in the bumps.
In fact, skiing is such a technical sport that every day is a school day. The phrase, ‘Skiing? Completed it, mate,’ doesn’t exist when it comes to two planks. Even us ski instructors put weeks of our winter into training and making sure our technique is up to scratch. And that’s all part of the fun. But having someone around to let you know your skills are heading in the right direction makes the process that much more rewarding, enjoyable and adds just the right amount of challenge.
Why You Should Still Take Ski Lessons : Technique
Efficiency is also a big part of skiing, so if you find yourself tiring quicker than the rest of your group, your technique may well be in need of a few tweaks. A good ski technique is all about getting the maximum output while using the least amount of energy. Maybe your body position is all wrong, or you tense up all your muscles when you ski? Book a lesson. Those few hours with an instructor could see you skiing for longer every day.
And then there’s the bad habits. Maybe you never pole plant, or you snowplough when it starts getting steep, or you always forget to flex your ankles. Book a lesson. While there may be no quick fix for these little niggles, your instructor will help make you aware of them and help you find ways to improve them that you can practice in your own time.
Why You Should Still Take Ski Lessons : Goals
And finally, have you ever wanted to really push yourself? If there’s a certain off-piste run you’ve always wanted to do, or you want something more challenging than cruising the pistes but you’re not sure where to start, book a lesson. A morning or afternoon with an instructor will give you a clear view of what you can work towards and how to achieve it. Even if you’re in a new resort and you’re looking for someone to show you the best places to ski, an instructor will show you the best slopes to suit your ability level.
So, there you have it. Ski lessons aren’t just for those just starting out, everyone can benefit from a little tuition or helpful advice every now and again. And it can work wonders.
If you’d like to give your ski technique a bit of a refresh or you’re looking for a new challenge, get in touch with ES. We’re always available to pair you with the perfect instructor and organise your ski lessons to suit your needs. We also offer snowboard and telemark lessons so if you want to learn the art of the powder slash or perfect your lunge turns, give us a call!