Pockets are generally pretty small and you would never even think about fitting five essential things in them, but ski jacket pockets can be quite big and, depending on your brand of clothing, you’re likely to have quite a lot of them. This is great because it gives you plenty of room to carry all the things you need for a long and productive day on the slopes.
In fact, one of the ES criteria when choosing our ski instructor uniforms is that they have to have plenty of pockets in convenient places; trouser leg pockets, side pockets, internal pockets and ski pass pockets are all useful storage solutions to look out for.
Backpacks are a simple solution but can feel clunky on your back, not to mention the amount of times we’ve heard about people leaving them in restaurants, dropping them off chairlifts, or worse, getting the straps caught in the chair on the dismount.
Pockets are altogether the safer and easier option, but you need to be more selective. What you don’t want is to find yourself up the mountain with pockets bulging with piste maps for the wrong resort, receipts and used tissues. Whilst these objects have their own charm, they are of limited utility.
So, here are our top five ski essentials to keep in your pockets on the slopes:
Ski Essential no.1: Sun Cream
The best ones come in special flat tubes so that they fit nicely in a pocket without making you look like a balloon. Get a good ski brand and factor 50. It’s a cliché but the sun is stronger at altitude and we’ve seen too many sad and sore people who just wanted to get a little bit of colour. Even if you apply in the morning, you will need more during the day, and you can also help out the other members of your party who may have forgotten.
Ski Essential no.2: Sunglasses
Most of us wear goggles for skiing and snowboarding now as they are more comfortable with helmets. However, what happens when you stop on a sunny terrace for lunch, or, even worse, for après? Goggles without a helmet is a look to avoid.
So is eating pasta with your fingers, but I will save that for another time.
Remember to carry the little polyester bag your goggles came in as well; it protects them from scratches when you’re not wearing them, and is one of the best ways to wipe away smears and fingerprints.
Ski Essential no.3: Face Protection and Glove Liners
Has anyone ever mentioned that the weather changes quickly in the mountains? From a misty day in the village to a bluebird day at the top, or an ordinary-looking morning in your chalet to a biting storm when you get out of the télécabine, mountain weather is anything but predictable. Be prepared; even if you don’t need it yourself, a little extra warmth or protection can really help a friend if conditions change. It can be the difference between being able to keep skiing in comfort and having to go inside when the wind picks up.
Ski Essential no.4: Tissues
Even if you are not a big tissue-user in everyday life, everyone needs them in the mountains. Eyes, noses, spilt drinks, goggles with snow on, children; there are many mountain moments when they come into their own. We have ES tissues at our sales desks in Mountain Air, Verbier, and Glacier Sport in Zermatt so, if you forget, you’re welcome to pop by our desk and we will give you a pack!
Ski Essential no.5: Chocolate
There are many problems in life that can be solved by chocolate. Especially if you might be delayed for lunch, exerting yourself a bit more than usual, or feeling the breeze on a chairlift. Here we are in Switzerland, the world capital for the stuff. So share it around and enjoy!
Bonus tip 1
Don’t keep your credit card or mobile phone in the same pocket as your ski pass. They can interfere with each other so you can either end up with a ski pass that isn’t picked up by the detectors or a credit card that has lost its ability to pay for things.
Bonus tip 2
Keep your mobile phone in an inside pocket close to your body. Cold is terrible for phones; they can stop working altogether, or run out of battery very quickly.
Bonus tip 3
Carry an ES business card. If you find you’re not enjoying your skiing, give us a quick call and we’ll send an instructor over to you, wherever you are!
Don’t forget, we operate in Verbier, Zermatt, Chamonix, St. Moritz and now Nendaz, and if you’d like some ski lessons, we’d love to hear from you!
This article was written by Laura Shadbolt. She’s head of sales at European Snowsport (and much more!) so if you’ve called or emailed to arrange a lesson, you’ve probably spoken to her!