As you all set off to celebrate the New Year, it’s worth sparing a thought for Sandy and Nicol. After all, in this day and age there can surely be no excuse for wearing a bandana without even a trace of irony?
Now, young Sandy may have the excuse of youth, but Nicol should surely know better by now…
However, this is nothing if not a democratic blog, and we want your views. So please send all views to and we’ll let you know what you the people have decided.
So far Heather from the Pub Mont Fort has voted for the bandana (although she is Australian) as has Katrina from the Bristol Hotel.
Everybody else in the whole of Western Switzerland has correctly identified the trend as rubbish…
Anyway, send us your opinions and hopefully we’ll be able to cure these two of their terrible affliction.
In the meantime Happy New Year from everyone at ES, and brace yourselves – serious snow is due to hit tomorrow…more soon…