Conditions at Mont Fort and the Tortin and Col des Gentianes itinerary runs are good. Sadly skiing to the rest of the 4 valleys is currently blocked due to the breakdown of the Siviez to Tortin chairlift – rumours are that thios should be fixed by Sunday but check out at Medran before begining your journey!
The Les Esserts beginners slope will be closed from Monday 9th April due to lack of snow. However Bruson and Savoleyres remain open for the moment. Those valuing their skis may decide that taking the lift down from Ruinettes is wise late afternoon. There has been a river running down the the last few turns down to Medran and we expect the route to be formally closed soon.
The Verbier Rugby 7s match was well attended on Wednesday afternoon and resulted in a final match between Altitude and European Snowsport. ES won the tournament and a great time was had by all.
Weather for the next couple of days will continue to be sunny with on mountain afternoon temperatures of over 10 C and low wind speeds. Fingers crossed for cooler temperatures when clouds arrive after the weekend.