Well, we’ve all survived the Christmas rush and the carnage of New Year, and now the resort’s finally calming down again, leaving us to ponder the whirlwind of events over the last few weeks.
Not least of all this has included fantastic new snow as well as no less fantastic partying in the resort (although since young Charlie left Apress Ski hasn’t quite felt the same…see you in February mate).
On a positive note we’ve all been teaching all sorts of different clients – from the Saunders family over Christmas who took great delight in traveling around resort at gas mark nine, to the young snowploughers like Lucas and Gregor (who will probably be reaching gas mark seven or eight some time next year…).
And then there have been the ones who are just a bit good and leave you feeling insanely jealous – step up Karsten and Igor, seven and eight respectively, they took me down the Itinerary Route from Chassoure to Tortin today (which had just opened and was amazing) in a very deliberate attempt to beat me to the bottom.
It was a close run thing but I came out of it with a little pride in tact…
Anyway, more on the slopes soon, meanwhile here are the two chief monkeys on a mission…
…the boys look smug after nailing Chassoure – Tortin.
…and to make things worse Igor stops to gloat half way down Mont Fort. In a white out. It’s just not fair, is it?